Version 2.0 Development

A Justice Episteme product
Population Pyramid of selection
Crime and anti-social behaviour
Prosecutions and Convictions (PFA level data only)
House sales and price analysis
Analysis variables

Environs is a Justice Episteme copyright application, (c) 2022,2023

Environs uses and processes open-source data published by ONS, government departments and other public agencies under an open-source licence. The Tool relies on data drawn from the public domain and while we have taken reasonable care to ensure that the analysis is correct, we cannot guarantee that the results are free from error, given limitations and constraints in the published data.

Evaluation versions of Environs (see handbook for possible configurations) are made available to assist potential users decide on the suitability of the product for their work. Results drawn from Environs evaluation should not be used in organisational assessments or other work. Evaluation versions of this product are not supported. If you wish to use Environs in an organisational context, a Full Product licence is available from Justice Episteme Ltd who will be able to advise whether the data or analysis could reliably be used for your intended purpose. A Full Product licence provides support, regular updates to the base data, and updates to the application itself extending functionality, and fixes on any reported problems.

If you have feedback, we would be very pleased to hear from you, please send it to: info@Justice Episteme Ltd

This application relies on the following main data sources:

Environs is a Justice Episteme copyright application, (c) 2022, 2023

The published data on which Environs relies are generally available under 'Open Government Licence v.3'. More detail is available in the 'Data & References' tab

Environs is built using R and a range of R Packages. These are open source with a range of permissive licences as detailed below.